Rachel Mars
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Things I Want.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain
Everyone can be inspired by the idea, but few will actually push forth. It depends on how bad you want it. You can't let things bring you down, that in retrospect will not mean a thing. So be happy, and don't give up. Because if the potential that I suspect is of any inclination as to what is to come, working this hard and being this passionate will lead to the amazing experiences that people like us crave. So how bad do you want it?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Embers to Ashes
In my house I notice the slight cracking of the leather couches, and the fading of the Oriental rug. Even my dog seems older since the last time I saw her two months ago. You forget that time doesn’t stop once you leave a place.
I feel empty and all I want is bacon. As if the sound of crackling meat can drown out the weighted thoughts in my brain. As if a greasy bite can coat the uneasiness I feel in my stomach.
The clock on the wall is so loud I feel my heart trying to match its rhythm.
I am tired, but want to stay awake because I am finally alone. I feel this house and its residents sucking the vividness I have built up over the past month. Brutal normality is what this place makes me feel. It's suffocating.
My parents think it’s weird that I make bacon at 12am because I like how it sounds. I think it’s weird that they watch five straight hours of primetime television, half of which they are snoring along to.
They are wonderful, caring people, but I can't help but think; is this where they thought their life would be when they were my age? I want excitement, desire, and creativity until the day that I die. Is this a flame that will eventually dwindle down to embers, or even worse ashes? What happens if the dreams you once had, become past hopes that no longer have any relevance in your life?
"To-day is not yesterday.-- We ourselves change.-- How then, can our works and thoughts, if they are always to be the fittest, continue always the same.--Change, indeed, is painful, yet ever needful; and if memory have its force and worth, so also has hope." *Carlyle
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Bicycle Thief
The Never Aired Scenes of My Last Month in London
In honor of my stay in England, I will now tell of my epic last adventures in the country that I have come to love in pictures (mostly because there is too much to write, and I am too lazy to write it)
So here it is, ENJOY!

It snowed like CRAZY.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
It is a bit sad to be without one's family on a celebrated holiday like today. It's even sadder to realize that your mom won't be there to run the kitchen and man the recipes as you watch, your mind alluding to a conductor directing his symphony. Feeling like a kid who dreams of standing up in front of a crowd with only his or her underwear on, exposed and overwhelmed, I stressed that this meal had to be one for the books. Luckily I had my best bud Claire by my side, and we...
***unfortunately I never finished this post, and now it is more than seven months later, and my memory is not quite sharp enough to finish the description of this epic past day. What I can tell you is that my friends and I made a glorious and delicious Thanksgiving dinner while in Kingston. I am now completely able to cook my own turkey, and will never again be frightened (which is an understatement) when the turkey is so fresh that it still has it's ankles attached (which we initially thought horrifically was its head).
Happy Thanksgiving (seven+ months late :x )