A lot has happened since I last wrote, classes have finally started and I am really excited to see what this semester brings. It's going to be a lot of self-motivated work and independent studies. I have started developing some ideas as to what direction I want my artwork to go, so we will see what begins to happen! Other than art studio classes I have a British Life & Culture class (class full of mostly Americans, not so excited about) and a sculpture history course (I am the only American, definitely excited about).
Last weekend I went into London and met up with some friends to check out Buckingham Palace.
After the initial joy of seeing it, there wasn't much else to do so we went off to find Harrods. I about had a brain aneurism just from being in such a wonderful department store. The walk there alone was enough to quench any fashion obsessed's thirst for high-end clothing.

Right near my house is a park that I often cut through on my way to campus. It is right along the Thames and is a nice little break from the shop-lined streets. Lately I've taken to bringing a book or sketchbook and just sitting on a bench that stares across the river. It's quite relaxing. Not much other than class has happened this week, other than that I bought my ticket to go to Rome, Italy during my 'Reading Week' which is a week break in early November. I will be meeting Claire and Greg there.
"Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality." -Ralph Marston
miss you all!